TTI is delighted to announce that this year’s Optimoor Seminar will be in China on the 11th and 12th June 2025.
Come and join us in Qingdao, China to learn about the latest Optimoor developments and features!
As with all previous seminars this is intended for Optimoor users of all levels of experience.
Many features of the program will be discussed and demonstrated. Example mooring case studies will be presented. Opportunities will be provided for open discussions, feedback, and suggestions.
Advanced features and recent enhancements of Optimoor will be discussed and demonstrated
3D Optimoor: The new 3D graphics will be demonstrated along with features such as clash detection, measuring tool, Optimoor 2 waves in time domain.
Network Licence: Demonstration of new network licence (no dongle required). How to activate. Set up automatic release or store on PC for offline access.
Hydrodynamic Coefficient Files (HCFs) and User Defined RAO: For calculating wave response for specific hull profiles. What are they? How are they created? How to run in Optimoor
Jonswap spectrum: How to use
Tsunami: New model added to Optimoor. Demonstration of how to run in Optimoor.
Triple banking: How to calculate in Optimoor.
Additional Information on Seminar
This is not a hands-on, systematic training session. Attendees should preferably have prior experience setting up and running the Optimoor program. Nevertheless, inexperienced attendees will also learn from attending, and will have the opportunity for limited “one-on-one” training.
Lunch and refreshment breaks are included.
Click on the following link to find out more and for booking. Please note that this seminar will only be available for booking directly with TTI